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almost 2 years ago


Please explain why you think this.

Due to the underlying geology this is a totally unsuitable site which will lead to excessive use of concrete and with it noise, lorry movement fuel consumption etc. No amount of greenspace creation will pay back the destruction of the natural environment/green belt

What is the location you are commenting on?

Proposed site

Based on the information provided in our consultation material, overall how supportive are you of our developed design proposals?


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almost 2 years ago


What is the location you are commenting on?

this designated is classed on magic maps as a natural aquifer and a high pollution risk area, sounds great idea doesn't it!

Based on the information provided in our consultation material, overall how supportive are you of our developed design proposals?


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almost 2 years ago


Please explain why you think this.

There is no operational need to move from the current site that had money used to future proof not long ago. It is a shame that this project is solely profit driven and not of any benefit to local people or environmentally by proposing to build on greenbelt land. Huge pollution costs involved in the building of the new site and decommissioning the existing, as well as the loss of green belt land- purely shameful. For a plan that is also not future proofing enough for at least 100+years. Over 50% in phase two were gain at this plan, it should not go ahead for so many reasons.

What is the location you are commenting on?

Existing sewage works

Based on the information provided in our consultation material, overall how supportive are you of our developed design proposals?


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almost 2 years ago


Please explain why you think this.

This is lane is at 16-17ft ASL(around 5m). In the past drainage could flow this way as much as Black Ditch/Commissioners Drain) outfall eventually as far as Cam at Outwell. Very dangerous and risky if their is spillage or leakage from Honey Hill. So risk is not just to 13 ft ASL Allickey Farm area etc. Also Waterbeach Pipe come up against start of lane. Cam is at risk here, as well as the borehole at my house that I am dependent for water.

What is the location you are commenting on?

Old Black Ditch by Fen Fee Lane (Cleving Yard Lane).

Based on the information provided in our consultation material, overall how supportive are you of our developed design proposals?


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almost 2 years ago


Please explain why you think this.

Lucy Fraser admitted that the proposed housing development around Cambridge exceeds that which is required. Along with the fact there is no operational reason to move the site. And that the new site will have no longer a life span than the original. What is the justification for this waste of public money?

What is the location you are commenting on?

The proposed site of sewage works

Based on the information provided in our consultation material, overall how supportive are you of our developed design proposals?


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